Another friend, an empty bottle of limoncello

Days goes by so fast, where do they go? I feel like I have the time to wake up, and go to work, and before I even get there I’m back home again and getting ready for bed because it’s after 10pm. Is it just me having this problem?

Now, I spent the afternoon(evening with a good friend, Night, she was in the city, and I had some limoncello left in the bottle I started with my ex-co-worker. God. Need to find a shorter name to write for her than that. She owns a cat. But it’s evil to call her cat-lady. If I call her teapot, does it work? She did fix my Japanese teapot, and she drinks tea with my every time she comes visiting, even if she prefers coffee. I think it could work. She’ll be my teapot to my kettle calling a pot black. *drunken giggle*

But yeah, Night was here, we ate a wonderful salad, we had originally said Pizza, but my gawd what I wanted a nice and crisp salad today after a rather oily lunch, and she was up for it. Even if she didn’t like the idea of putting pasta into it. But hey, more pasta for my bentous! We drank limoncello, just one glass to begin, then another to finish off, and then one to acompany my ice-cream-testing, and then another because we could. And then just one more to finish the bottle off.

Now I’ve been busy doing important administrative stuff for my book-club, hoping it goes well. And for tonight only reading stands on the schedule, I need to read some, so that I can write some, so that the conversation can be started.


Lemons. Too many, or too few?

A few weeks (?) ago a friend was here. Or rather, many friends was here, but one on a more permanent basis since she slept on my floor. We bought lemons to make taco, and for me to have to a lemon meringue pie later, because, lemon meringue pie is the food for Queens.

It never happened. The pie. Time has flown by and I realised yesterday that I still had 7 lemons in my fridge. So I started to fantasise what to do with them. Too many for a pie, not enough for 2, and then I found a simple recipe for Limoncello that had the same amount of lemons that I needed to get rid off. So, yeah. Today I bought myself a vodka, and peeled the shit out of those lemons. And now it kind of looks like art. Something made for summer. And it’s going to stand there and look pretty all week. because it needs that amount of time to soak the lemons soul into the alcohol. My flat smells of lemons and summer.

And afterwards, I squeezed the juice out, and yeah.. I bought a ice-cream machine today. Kind on a whim. I don’t need one. But I remember the awesome taste of lemon sorbet that I made at new year from my cousins machine. And doing the Limoncello I’m going to have all the juice over. So I’m going to have lemon sorbet for breakfast tomorrow. Because. Ñ