The perks of being a librarian.

Not only am I allowed to work with people who consider literacy is of grave importance, but also believes in individuality and the possibilities that comes with culture and exchanges of thoughts. Not only am I surrounded by books that invites to exploration of thought, of ideas and gives me the option to live several lives in several worlds. Not only do I get to meet the most interesting people, I also have the possibility to make someone’s day better. I have the possibilities to show the world to someone.

But tonight I have the perk of having three pieces of cake in my fridge after a rather nice but busy evening when the YA section had a opening ceremony with free cake, soda and coffee. And of course, we kept giving away what was left after the ceremony was over, and the hours kept going later. But at closing time, three pieces of cake was left. So I cleaned away the coffee stains, poured the last soda out of the bottles, washed the tray and then packed the three pieces for going into the fridge. But then my bearded co-worker told me to take it home with me, nothing to save. Three pieces is not going to feed the entire staff tomorrow, and there is no possibility to sell it. So rather than throwing it out, or creating a boxing-event where the winner is going to take it all at 9:30 coffee tomorrow, my long day ended with me carrying three pieces of, hopefully not too, stale cake.

The perks is great, and sometimes you even get cake. And also some new music. I got this after having a quite nice discussion with one of the art-gallery co-workers, and her question if I knew any steampunk music. I did not, but my favourite hangout on FB did know some.. And I’m a happy girl right now ^^ Cake and music. Can it become any better?


Engage hyperdrive, warpspeed, lightspeed, wormhole.

It feels like my life has suddenly gone into fast mode. Or maybe I’ve just lost myself in a good book (or 4). I’ve gone to work, come home, read, flung around on the web, started a book-reading club as a part of a community, booked a trip to Copenhagen. What I haven’t done is clean my flat, part for a small vacuum to get rid of eraser gum-filth from my wall mural. I haven’t done the dishes that is starting to look like the mountain Mohammed visited. I haven’t answered all my letters from my pen pals. Just half. The rest are looking at me with sad eyes. I haven’t done any kind of grocery shopping, and my cupboard is starting to echo slightly. I haven’t done any cooking, because who is hungry when one reads a good book? It’s enough sustenance just to read.

Today I have to do my pancakes. I’m going US. of A on these, because I love them with maple syrup. And a few weeks back I was invited to my partner in crimes place and she had bought a jar of it, but decided she loathed the taste. So I got it instead. Yay! Free maple syrup! But at the moment, I’m still doing everything BUT the things I kinda need to do.

I have had a shower. That’s about it. That is my level of achievement this morning, or rather, these last few days. There has been loads of things going on, but at the same time, not enough, or maybe the time when I can calm down and reflect on my life has been missing?

Anyway. I’m about to go do some good now. I’m going to order a pair of stockings for when I’m to be a Witch for work. I’m going to impersonate Baba Yaga and hopefully not scare the small children out of their minds. I’m hoping for at least a few witchery giggles, which landed me the job, but hopefully just a grand time. 2 weeks left until then. I’m also going to try answer at least 2 more letters, and do one quick wash of the most pressing dishes. And then do my pancakes. Because I have the feeling my books might arrive today, and they might be to big to get into my door-slot for mail, so the postman might ring the doorbell for me to answer. Got to be home for that. Usually I can catch him on Tuesdays because I start work later this day. My first late night of the week.

But maybe I should start with something simple. As finding a pair of pants.. Pants are good.


Be prepared. Zombies are coming.

I don’t know this to be a fact, but if they actually do come around, I’m more prepared now than I was yesterday. Last night, going to bed was quite the challenge. My head was still in scrambles after that book. So I was wandering around on FB, as I normally do when I’ve got nothing better to do but need something to do. Because there is a group who’s awesomeness is to great to describe. And lo and behold, new thread to read. About someone not being able to go to sleep because of creepy people knocking on her door. And one thing leading to another, the subject of zombies got up.

Being a Zombie-buff, I just HAD to read it. And then came to think of what has been nagging me for the last few weeks. If a Zombie apocalypse does happen, my flat is the worst place to live. I love the 2 very good entryways and exist in case of emergency -ways they provide, but the huge minus is that it is on the ground floor. With quite big windows. That goes pretty low. Break any one of them and zombies will munch my brain for breakfast in a few seconds. And being only a small place of 42 square meters, I don’t actually have a door that separates areas in case zombies comes into one window, so that I can slow them down by changing room.  This have been bugging me. I don’t want to be munched and become a zombie.

So yeah.. I remember last weekend me and my friends went to this second hand shop, and there I found a nice fencing sword for children, made out of steel. I didn’t buy it then, because I thought that if I someday buy myself a sword I want two of them, to make that cross on the wall, and have the opportunity to duel my friends. But after this thread, I just HAD to go buy it. I went directly after breakfast, and arrived three minutes before they even opened for the day, first to the counter, but no. Sadly it had been sold. And that broke my heart, so I looked around, to bury my sadness, of a potential Zombie weapon lost, with some shopping. Actually I found something better. A grill fork and stick of enormous proportions, that I can, if I wanted to do it, hang as a cross on my wall. Sharp, deadly, and the same size as the fencing sword. Yes. Quite happy now. And prepared. BRING IT ON!