One day at the time

Right now I’m pretty tired. The third day in as many days that I’ve worked the closing shift. And I’ve got to work tomorrow all day as well. My brain is tired right now. I’m tired. But also very content. I’m happy to be alive. I Love my job. Today have been a mix between cleaning up in the Fantasy-Sci-fi-Horror shelf, so that I next week can start on the whole project of going through the other shelves and pick out the good stuff that have gotten to some other shelf when it shouldn’t. Nobody have really done anything in this genre the last few years. So I’m doing it.

I’ve also been working on the booksale, a whole years collection of books that have done their duty on our shelf. We can’t throw it all away when we need new space, so apparently, a whole week of the year, we sell it of at a low price, and we use the money for new books. A few at least. We sell them REALLY cheap. But working with that involves a lot of dragging dusty boxes through the basement and heavy lifting. Worked there for about 3 hours today.

But the best today was when I got to talk to an old lady who grew up in Japan. That was awesome. We talked for 30 minutes about the food, the loss of the language when we don’t have the opportunity to use it here, Japanese popular culture, and things we miss. Love it that the conversation was both in Japanese and Swedish.

The rest of the evening I’m going to try reading for a while. But I think the bed does have the advantage on me. *yawn* But first I’m going to listen to an old favourite. I loved the first time I heard it, and whenever I’m happy and in a Japanese flow I always end up humming to this tune..


Reciting, Reflecting, Reading, Reacting. Love.

Found out this morning that April is the month of Poetry. Or maybe I did know it before. It felt like old news, but I hadn’t stopped and reflected on it before. I did so this morning, and yeah, it kinda makes sense, I’ve been listening to a lot of poetry these last couple of weeks. Here is one.

And then I got to work. Read a few stories in preparation for tonightst big event where I was supposed to read a few aloud to the few that dared to stop life and sit down and listen to something. I had loads of stories from different books prepared, but in the end, only had time for two. Not that it seemed to matter. I can keep the ones I didn’t have time to read until the next time. Because there will be. But next time, the theme will be about travelling and discovering. It’s going to be great.

All in all, it’s been a great day. A bit of slow morning, and then work. I missed it for those few days I’ve been away. I like going to work because of awesome colleagues and interesting people and tasks. And just because Tennant was the guy reciting this morning, when I discovered that the poem month was nearly over, and I have the biggest crush on him. Here is something else.


The end of a good life. Or what to do with my life now? Or, what to read next.

I have had a quite slow start this year with the books. I’ve been stuck with various TV shows and doing Goddess knows what. Books have been piling up, and I’ve not given myself the time to read. Or wanted it. I get my moments when I need to reboot my brain from books. Take a break and indulge in a lesser entertainment, such as watching a brand new show on the telly.

But these last few weeks have been showing a increase of the reading. I’ve gone through 5 this week. And I’ve still got the rest of today to go through some more. Maybe just one more. Or two, depending on the thickness.

Last night I started on book number 9 of the Shadows of the Apt series. Quite the slow start, but then. Wow. Suddenly the clock was midnight, and I was so tired I considered not moving until morning, using my book as a pillow. But I got up, brushed teeth, and then gathered a various assembly of weapons and went to bed to await the monster from the movie to eat me. Spent at least 10 minutes saying calming mantras and seeing shapes creeping around my floor. Then I decided they would eat me another night, turned around and fell asleep.

This morning, I woke up at 7, and couldn’t stop thinking of my book. So I started to read before I even got some pyjamas on. And then the time flew again. Now it’s after 10, the book is finished, and I’m going to go do my breakfast in a minute. I’ve got the tea steeping already. But this book then. I’m traumatized. It’s the mark of a really good book, when you finish it, you are empty because you are no longer in that world. When you realize it was just a book and not reality.

Frustrating to think about that the finishing volume of the series is scheduled to be released in June. How will I survive until then?! I’m hungry, I’m not thinking straight. I should go do some mind numbing thing for a while now just to scrub the latest trauma off my mind. Then on to the next book. The next life. The next world.


Emotional trauma at the hands of a book.

Last night after doing my post here, I started to read in my book again with the thought of only doing one more hour and then turning of the lamp and going sleeping. But dammit, the book started to get impossible to put down. And the last half hour I kept weeping, and blubbering and wondered why it should end that way. And then I needed some time just to take it all in (and stop crying). I think that any book/movie/play that keeps you crying more then 5 minutes after it is over, is worth being classified as a good book/movie/play.

Even if I didn’t like the book as a whole. That-s a conclusion that I’ve reached after having a few hours of sleep, and not being emotional when it had just ended. I didn’t like how the book was every other chapter from different characters, when the first two books was written from one persons point of view. I didn’t like how the writer made the world a more complex place, and then gave absolutely no answers about it. I don’t like the action some of the people did, and think that they were wrong for their characters. But the end still made up for all of that. It was a horrible ending, in terms of keeping my eyes dry. And endings that get me that emotional makes me think the book was really good. Because. DAMN that lady can write some tragic tales!

And yeah. I think I’ll take the time to watch the movie some day!