Homecoming Queen

I got home last night. Nothing to eat, so got out and got some food. Found Teapot on a bike, stayed to chat and gossip for a while, but then I got home (again) and what a glorious feeling. Being in my own place, it is pretty spectacular. I curled up in the couch with a cup of tea and just enjoyed being home last night. I unpacked part of my stuff, but then I got no further.

I loved being in the big apple, saying hello to mum, watching the cherry blossoms in the park with friends, sitting in the sun and drinking tea with another, it is a good life. But at the same time, I missed my flat where I’ve got my stuff where I like them. Where I can run around a whole day in pyjama. Where I can sit and read in the couch for how long as I want to without my sister waking up and deciding to watch the telly. I love how my flat actually doesn’t get up to 30 degrees because it’s sunny outside. Mom loves the heat, and the house is designed around that. Which makes me sweat just thinking about it.

I love my mothers garden where some new treasure may always be found. I love the chaos that comes with a mom who got a million things on her mind, a husband who loves technology, three siblings and a dog. Things never stop happening. And there is always something going on, something giving of sounds, something moving. The kitchen turns into a mess with a five minute window, Mom’s cooking leaves me breathless, and I just sit there soaking in the love that surrounds the whole house. But I kind of like my own space as well. I love having a quite corner where I can sit and read without anyone disturbing, my own bed, at mom’s place I’ve got a couch.

I don’t think I’m complaining, but rather, I try to show that love both styles of life. Both the hectic chaotic life of family that never stands still. And the simple, slow life of a librarian who loves to spend evenings in the sofa with a book and a cup of tea.

Ying and Yang. Balance. *Bows deep*


A few nights offline, a few drinks with friends, a few experiments.

I feel that being out of the loop of writing for a few days, I have trouble starting. What does one say if one keeps a blog and then don’t find the time to write? Does one confess to the laziness? Blames it on other interest such as reading? Other duties such as cleaning? Do I tell you that I didn’t bring my computer to my grandma’s place because I knew the horrible internet connection they (don’t) have. Do I give you a taste of what I’ve been doing for the last few days by a couple of videos? How to start this?

Since last time, at work: nothing exotic, crazy, sexy or fantastic have happen. I’ve had fun, I’ve been bored. Regular work I think one could call it.

Since last time, regarding monsters: I’m able to sleep without a skewer by my pillow, but this Saturday at the flea market I bought 2 very pretty African knives longer than my forearm, FOR NOTHING. And I’ll try to keep them handy. In case of Zombies. Still not entirely happy when thinking about the Lights out video. But I’ve started to walk around in the dark without screaming.

Since last time, regarding Limoncellon: I finished it today, and invited my now friend, ex-co-worker, to have a go with me. Tasting if you want. And a few glasses later, we realized the clock was spinning much faster than it should, I gave her a Buddha to polish and promised a dinner in the future as payment.

Since last time, regarding Ice-cream: I talked to another co-worker this Friday, about making a cacti-lime sorbet. And the thought stuck, so I tried it today, and it WAS AMAZING! And that is not only because we were into a second glass of limoncello by this time. I fregging LOVE my new machine ^^

Since last time, regarding happiness: This morning was pretty hard, for a moment there I wanted to scream, and then punch someone, and then find a suitable rock to spend the rest of my life under. But then came lunch, yet another co-worker with the coolest beard and a moustache in the shape of batman, and a great afternoon. I’m back to squealing and singing and dancing.

Since last time, regarding friends: A co-worker had her last day today, and is therefore a official FRIEND more then co-worker now. I went to a flea market and a had a nice long tea-break with another friend. She was supposed to come try the limoncello as well tonight. But she decided to apply for many, many. many jobs today, and we will be drunk on Wednesday instead.

Since last time, regarding books: I’ve started Harry Potter suite, read by Stphn Fry. He is my hero. Sthpn Fry, not HP, even if he is a cool wizard, but he is fictional and Stphn Fry is a real person. Is that racist?

Since last time, regarding family: Visited my grandma and grandpa this weekend. And my Aunt, and my cousin, and there was roast beef, wonderful potatos and free food which I did neither have to cook or clean up after.

Since last time, regarding many other things: I’ve had a busy few days. And at the same time, not at all.

Does one end the same way as one started on a spastic and irregular post as this? Do I blame the yawns that brings tears to my eyes? The limoncello that makes the room spin, the last few chapters of HP 2, work tomorrow or some fable regarding witching hour? Do I tell you about the pile of unanswered letters, the mountain of madness in my kitchen and the empty space in my fridge where my bentous should be if I was a better person? Do I tell you about my plan for Saturday, and how I’m thinking about palm-reading and Tarot? Do I tell you that the munchies have set in, and I fear that I’ll have to make a sandwich before I try to sleep?



I’ve learned how to write my name in Gallifreyan! How awesome is that?! It’s the single most fun thing I’ve done today, and I’m becoming more and more good at actually READING in this, lack of a better word, Code. Because that is what it is, basically. A talented artist took the standard alphabet, or nearly enough to standard, and made some rules up on how to write each letter, and how they connect into words, and the word into sentences, and the sentences into text. It’s pretty amazing and the results are pretty spectacular!

I also like how she thought about how this and how the sentences and words can be put together in so many ways depending on which direction you read them, because of the Timelords being part of the big wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff they have got going. And no, I’m not a enormous Dr.Who fan, I’ve only watched the new series and part of the first doctors voyages, but I love the universe, and had I the time, and the will to stay awake, I would watch more of the old stuff. But there are so many reasons behind not watching, and they all fall when confronted with the fact, that I, LOVE, Dr. Who.

Now I’m off to deciding what to translate into the Gallifreyan code and how to put it on my wall, and in what size. But for tonight I’m happy writing letters to my new pen-pals that I got after placing an ad telling people how I abhor long walks on the beach, rather read a book than go to the cinema, and how I can find something interesting and loose myself in it for hours and only a knock of reality can make me come gasping back. I’ve gotten several answers, which are cool, but also a few… not so cool MALE answers, who is kinda.. “eey, baby, saw u were like, um, librarian. that’s cool, u wanna hang out?” And these to an ad that specifically told the whole world that I was only on the lookout for a new pen pal. I actually never thought it could be viewed as any sort of THAT ad, that calls out to males and signals I’m hot and ready. Because I’m not. I want new friends. ‘*goes off in thought and tries to answer the letters she had waiting on the doorstep when she got home*