All work, and All play

Have I mentioned that I love my work? That I go to the bus every morning with a smile on my face and anticipation in my steps? I don’t know if I can stop talking about it. It gives me so much opportunity to work on things I feel are important, not only for myself put for everyone. Well yes, sometimes there are manual labour tasks, that does bring down brain activity, and there are nights when I work late and it gets to be a bit dull. But then someone asks a question, and suddenly 30 minutes have passed and my co-worker comes stomping around and tells me it’s time to go home, and I find myself running around to keep up with the closing procedure.

Then there are moments when I get to meet people like I did today. Not only a person who I’ve talked to sometimes at the Library, helped with some stuff, and looked at me when I entered the Language Café and told me “I know you, don’t you work at the Library?” and then goes on to tell me about how nice it is that I took the initiative to go there and talks to me for a great while about all the stuff he thinks are possible to do. I then proceed to meet the person responsible for running the Language Café, a pastor, and end up having a 2 hour long conversation about all the positive things regarding multi culture, integration and possibilities to work together. Then I don’t care that I’ll be getting home later than 7 three days in a row. I don’t care that I haven’t gotten enough sleep for a few days (mostly my own fault for trying to read awesome books as well as work all day). Things like this give me so much energy! And apparently, a free dinner.

But yeah, I am tired now. It’s time for bed. But just wanted to tell you a little about the smile on my face, and give you a taste of the sweetness I’ve experienced tonight. And… Tell you about a great song.