Mother nature.

Spent a few days up here in the big apple with family. In itself is kinda awesome. I’ve had time to rest and relax. Being bathed in the love only family can give. I’ve read 2 books, one old, one new. Both really good. I’ve gone for a walk in the forrest with mother and her dog. I’ve gone visiting the churchyard and said hello to family and friends on the other side. I’ve woken up early, gone to bed with wine spinning my head. I’ve gotten sunburn and my neck still hurts. I’ve talked for hours with Boobie (a friend, not the body-part).  I’ve sat in the hidden oasis of a buzzing part of town. I’ve eaten ice-cream in the sun, and meat from the grill with potatoes and love. I’ve teased my siblings, and hugged them alot. Miss them even if I can’t wait for them to grow up and do grown up things instead of running around and annoy the hell out of me. I’ve had my fingers in the dirt and felt the power of the earth and Mother nature. I’ve hug my little granny and sung songs of praise both to the Lord, since he managed to be the first christian Zombie. Rejoice!

I’ve eaten until I’ve hardly been able to breath. I’ve drunk loads of wonderfull wine and beer. I’ve bought books and spent a wonderful morning in my favourite bookshop, just being happy for being alive. I’ve sung even more songs of praise to the alcoholic beverages as a part of an oral tradition that we have in Sweden called Nubbevisor. I’ve helped mom with a waterfeature in her garden.

I have a few things left to do before I go back home to my small town. I stll have to meet another one of my friends. We are going to exchange books, I get back some of mine, and she’ll get some others of mine. I might help my mother again with the waterfeature, re-arrange the whole thing instead of just trying to path and mend. I still have to try to find my Enigma (yes, another friend) and see if she is available for a cup of tea. I’m still going to just be thankful of my wonderful family, and the very relaxed but catastropich chaos that reigns supreem in mothers house. I love the dishwasher and her cooking. I love that I can be here and don’t have to care about going for walkies with the dustbunnies back home. Even if the dog here does fill the same position.


Some things achived, some things not.

I did read four YA. I did make three different bentous and are set for another two weeks of lunch. I did go play with my Teapots crazy kitten who couldn’t stop licking my toes. Is it my feet that are wierd, or the kitten? I did call my brothers to wish them a happy birthday. I did go grocery shopping. I did not answer those letters stuck to my fridge. I did not do all the dishes. I did not vacuum in the kitchen. I did not do laundry. I’ve not put my books into my goodreads challenge of this year. I didn’t make the fourth option on todays menue, because I couldn’t find freash goats chees, I only found the one with the white mold. I like it better on toast than in sallad. In sallad I prefer the fresh.

I found a new series, and have as of right now watched 6 episodes today. It’s from 1995, and it is amazing. I never knew it excisted, but since I’m out of Top Gear, I’ve been looking for something new these past few days. Something with a few seasons and already finished. Found this one with the search of Dystopia. And I’m stuck. Work tomorrow? Naah. I’ll pass, I need to watch more of sliders.. And make a nice salad of goats cheese and beets. Yum yum!


One step at the time. First admit problem.

I woke up pretty early for a Sunday. I’m okay with that, since it makes getting up on Mondays easier, but at the same time, I wanted to frolic in my bed and never get out of it. I had trouble managing my life today. There was a million little things around my flat that needed to get done. But at the same time, I’ve worked an extra day, after forgetting that I had a morning off, I’ve read a book for work, and spent a wonderful outing to IKEA to buy a sofa and a bed. That takes something out of you.

I’ve moved my big paintings out of the way, so that I can do the assembly of my sofa tomorrow. That truly is more important than the bed. Because the sofa is one of those that turn into a bed with a handshake and two wishes. So I can actually sleep in that one tomorrow. I hope. Delivery is between 14 and 20. And I only work until 15, that is good, but at the same time, what to do if they come around? I’ll have to talk to my schedule-master tomorrow. We call the the oracle of administration. She must have seen this coming on, since I’m not working alone tomorrow at the school where I usually am alone, but this Friday I found out I’ll be having another co-worker there with me. We’ll see how that works out.

But I’ve tried to handle my day in a pretty balanced way. Vacuum, watch a few episodes of Brooklyn nine nine, my latest poison. I’m not done with Top Gear. not yet, but I had the opportunity for the Brooklyn season 1, so I grabbed it and postponed my last few episodes of Top Gear. Next, I am thinking of Blackadder. But.. who knows.

I’ve made pancakes. I haven’t started on my garden even if I considered it for a few glorious moments. Then I decided for a lazy day. And now I’m going to bed to listen to the ending of book  of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, read by wonderful Sthpn Fry.


A few nights offline, a few drinks with friends, a few experiments.

I feel that being out of the loop of writing for a few days, I have trouble starting. What does one say if one keeps a blog and then don’t find the time to write? Does one confess to the laziness? Blames it on other interest such as reading? Other duties such as cleaning? Do I tell you that I didn’t bring my computer to my grandma’s place because I knew the horrible internet connection they (don’t) have. Do I give you a taste of what I’ve been doing for the last few days by a couple of videos? How to start this?

Since last time, at work: nothing exotic, crazy, sexy or fantastic have happen. I’ve had fun, I’ve been bored. Regular work I think one could call it.

Since last time, regarding monsters: I’m able to sleep without a skewer by my pillow, but this Saturday at the flea market I bought 2 very pretty African knives longer than my forearm, FOR NOTHING. And I’ll try to keep them handy. In case of Zombies. Still not entirely happy when thinking about the Lights out video. But I’ve started to walk around in the dark without screaming.

Since last time, regarding Limoncellon: I finished it today, and invited my now friend, ex-co-worker, to have a go with me. Tasting if you want. And a few glasses later, we realized the clock was spinning much faster than it should, I gave her a Buddha to polish and promised a dinner in the future as payment.

Since last time, regarding Ice-cream: I talked to another co-worker this Friday, about making a cacti-lime sorbet. And the thought stuck, so I tried it today, and it WAS AMAZING! And that is not only because we were into a second glass of limoncello by this time. I fregging LOVE my new machine ^^

Since last time, regarding happiness: This morning was pretty hard, for a moment there I wanted to scream, and then punch someone, and then find a suitable rock to spend the rest of my life under. But then came lunch, yet another co-worker with the coolest beard and a moustache in the shape of batman, and a great afternoon. I’m back to squealing and singing and dancing.

Since last time, regarding friends: A co-worker had her last day today, and is therefore a official FRIEND more then co-worker now. I went to a flea market and a had a nice long tea-break with another friend. She was supposed to come try the limoncello as well tonight. But she decided to apply for many, many. many jobs today, and we will be drunk on Wednesday instead.

Since last time, regarding books: I’ve started Harry Potter suite, read by Stphn Fry. He is my hero. Sthpn Fry, not HP, even if he is a cool wizard, but he is fictional and Stphn Fry is a real person. Is that racist?

Since last time, regarding family: Visited my grandma and grandpa this weekend. And my Aunt, and my cousin, and there was roast beef, wonderful potatos and free food which I did neither have to cook or clean up after.

Since last time, regarding many other things: I’ve had a busy few days. And at the same time, not at all.

Does one end the same way as one started on a spastic and irregular post as this? Do I blame the yawns that brings tears to my eyes? The limoncello that makes the room spin, the last few chapters of HP 2, work tomorrow or some fable regarding witching hour? Do I tell you about the pile of unanswered letters, the mountain of madness in my kitchen and the empty space in my fridge where my bentous should be if I was a better person? Do I tell you about my plan for Saturday, and how I’m thinking about palm-reading and Tarot? Do I tell you that the munchies have set in, and I fear that I’ll have to make a sandwich before I try to sleep?


Monster under my bed. Fear of the dark.

Yeah. A few days ago, I watched the short movie Lights Out. Scared the living hell out of me. And these past few nights it has kept me up, and giving me quite the hell when deciding to go sleep.

I’m not sure why, but most of the time I’m not afraid of the dark. I don’t like it as such, but I’m not crawling around with a industrial strength torch either. I’m kinda ambivalent about it, normally. But what I do have is a overly active imagination. That does give me some grief. Normally, I walk around in the dark of my flat when I’m tired, because having the lights on is just a wast of energy. I pretty good at navigating around my flat without seeing, and doing stuff without light. I think that comes from a fascination with blindness and considering my eyes, or rather my sight, to be the first thing I would like to lose if it’s a choice of taking away a sense. Sometimes when I’m walking outside, on a street that I use on a fairly daily basis, I often close my eyes and see how long I can walk without slowing down, or stopping, or bumping into things. Testing my nerves, my other sense and consider myself a mystic from some fantasy-novel. The blind warrior type.

But yeah, sometimes my imagination rapes my sense of well-being. I’ve slept with a big pointy spear next to my pillow for the last few days, and had the lights on, and not being able to shake that less than 3 minutes long movie. I don’t think of it all day, and only when going to brush my teeth and readying myself for bed does the thoughts crawl in. What if the monsters are real? And all those horrible things I’ve seen are true? My mind goes to the dark place of my fantasy. And then I hug my spear and goes to sleep thinking if something comes for me, it’s going to taste me wrath before my panic. But I’ve got to stop using weapons in case of monsters, as a blankie. I’ve got to develop my inner mutant strength instead.  I’m hoping for manipulation of air, so that I can become a sniper who uses bullets that no-one can ever find. No sharp spear for me tonight. If I don’t post anything tomorrow, you all know the monster who ate me.


Dancing in the rain. Brainfreeze. Burning.

I’ve been shamefully happy today. Going around singing, skipping, skidding, sliding, not jumping. It’s been one of those days where everything has been good, great or better. I think it started with the ice cream machine this morning.. I made Lemon sorbet, and couldn’t stop tasting it. Just one more spoon. I wrote a very long letter in reply of a even longer one. I went to work and had great fun.

Rain and snow and sleet and storm outside made the library empty and the few who braved the weather only made quick visits and then out into the storm again. Not much to do. I tried to do some Owl-paintings. Turned out moderate, the first one was real cute. At closing, I chose some really nice music. I have told you that 5 minutes before closing we put the music on to show everyone still there, that something is happening, please take notice. I chose an old favourite of mine. Magnus Uggla, a guy with loads of character and hilarious lyrics. Dancing around in the library, we closed up pretty fast.

After having a soda at the local snack bar whilst waiting for the bus, and writing another letter, I tried to convince a friend to join me in Japan for Christmas. And then went straight for my sorbet. And my Gawd was if yummy! Even if I got a huge brainfreeze in the middle, it was delicious! And now I’m going to try get the song of today out of my head. This one I’ve been humming all day long. Maybe I should consider why? Am I Darth Vader?


The end of a good life. Or what to do with my life now? Or, what to read next.

I have had a quite slow start this year with the books. I’ve been stuck with various TV shows and doing Goddess knows what. Books have been piling up, and I’ve not given myself the time to read. Or wanted it. I get my moments when I need to reboot my brain from books. Take a break and indulge in a lesser entertainment, such as watching a brand new show on the telly.

But these last few weeks have been showing a increase of the reading. I’ve gone through 5 this week. And I’ve still got the rest of today to go through some more. Maybe just one more. Or two, depending on the thickness.

Last night I started on book number 9 of the Shadows of the Apt series. Quite the slow start, but then. Wow. Suddenly the clock was midnight, and I was so tired I considered not moving until morning, using my book as a pillow. But I got up, brushed teeth, and then gathered a various assembly of weapons and went to bed to await the monster from the movie to eat me. Spent at least 10 minutes saying calming mantras and seeing shapes creeping around my floor. Then I decided they would eat me another night, turned around and fell asleep.

This morning, I woke up at 7, and couldn’t stop thinking of my book. So I started to read before I even got some pyjamas on. And then the time flew again. Now it’s after 10, the book is finished, and I’m going to go do my breakfast in a minute. I’ve got the tea steeping already. But this book then. I’m traumatized. It’s the mark of a really good book, when you finish it, you are empty because you are no longer in that world. When you realize it was just a book and not reality.

Frustrating to think about that the finishing volume of the series is scheduled to be released in June. How will I survive until then?! I’m hungry, I’m not thinking straight. I should go do some mind numbing thing for a while now just to scrub the latest trauma off my mind. Then on to the next book. The next life. The next world.


The perks of being a librarian.

Not only am I allowed to work with people who consider literacy is of grave importance, but also believes in individuality and the possibilities that comes with culture and exchanges of thoughts. Not only am I surrounded by books that invites to exploration of thought, of ideas and gives me the option to live several lives in several worlds. Not only do I get to meet the most interesting people, I also have the possibility to make someone’s day better. I have the possibilities to show the world to someone.

But tonight I have the perk of having three pieces of cake in my fridge after a rather nice but busy evening when the YA section had a opening ceremony with free cake, soda and coffee. And of course, we kept giving away what was left after the ceremony was over, and the hours kept going later. But at closing time, three pieces of cake was left. So I cleaned away the coffee stains, poured the last soda out of the bottles, washed the tray and then packed the three pieces for going into the fridge. But then my bearded co-worker told me to take it home with me, nothing to save. Three pieces is not going to feed the entire staff tomorrow, and there is no possibility to sell it. So rather than throwing it out, or creating a boxing-event where the winner is going to take it all at 9:30 coffee tomorrow, my long day ended with me carrying three pieces of, hopefully not too, stale cake.

The perks is great, and sometimes you even get cake. And also some new music. I got this after having a quite nice discussion with one of the art-gallery co-workers, and her question if I knew any steampunk music. I did not, but my favourite hangout on FB did know some.. And I’m a happy girl right now ^^ Cake and music. Can it become any better?


Engage hyperdrive, warpspeed, lightspeed, wormhole.

It feels like my life has suddenly gone into fast mode. Or maybe I’ve just lost myself in a good book (or 4). I’ve gone to work, come home, read, flung around on the web, started a book-reading club as a part of a community, booked a trip to Copenhagen. What I haven’t done is clean my flat, part for a small vacuum to get rid of eraser gum-filth from my wall mural. I haven’t done the dishes that is starting to look like the mountain Mohammed visited. I haven’t answered all my letters from my pen pals. Just half. The rest are looking at me with sad eyes. I haven’t done any kind of grocery shopping, and my cupboard is starting to echo slightly. I haven’t done any cooking, because who is hungry when one reads a good book? It’s enough sustenance just to read.

Today I have to do my pancakes. I’m going US. of A on these, because I love them with maple syrup. And a few weeks back I was invited to my partner in crimes place and she had bought a jar of it, but decided she loathed the taste. So I got it instead. Yay! Free maple syrup! But at the moment, I’m still doing everything BUT the things I kinda need to do.

I have had a shower. That’s about it. That is my level of achievement this morning, or rather, these last few days. There has been loads of things going on, but at the same time, not enough, or maybe the time when I can calm down and reflect on my life has been missing?

Anyway. I’m about to go do some good now. I’m going to order a pair of stockings for when I’m to be a Witch for work. I’m going to impersonate Baba Yaga and hopefully not scare the small children out of their minds. I’m hoping for at least a few witchery giggles, which landed me the job, but hopefully just a grand time. 2 weeks left until then. I’m also going to try answer at least 2 more letters, and do one quick wash of the most pressing dishes. And then do my pancakes. Because I have the feeling my books might arrive today, and they might be to big to get into my door-slot for mail, so the postman might ring the doorbell for me to answer. Got to be home for that. Usually I can catch him on Tuesdays because I start work later this day. My first late night of the week.

But maybe I should start with something simple. As finding a pair of pants.. Pants are good.


It’s done.


I’ve done it. My wall is done. The endless hours of waiting for it to dry so that I could continue, the sketching, the painting, the refilling, it’s all over. This afternoon I took some time, and sat for two hours and painted the last bit. My arms are still hurting, but it was worth it. I’m so pleased with both the motif and how it seems to fit both my flat and my soul.

I’ll have many a nice breakfasts here.