No hope for humanity, dystopian future, taking a stand.

My project is over, the big one. The one that made me work late 3 nights a week, and Saturdays as well just to get everything done in time. I’ve had the time of my life. I’ve listened to children’s stories in Farsi, Pashto, Dari, Russian, Thai, Somali, French. Also a bit of amazing poetry in French. I’ve enjoyed every moment of this last week. I’ve gotten my hammock up in the garden. Spent all of Sunday afternoon in it, gently swinging and loving the weather, the earth, the nature, humanity and feeling content with life.

Monday morning? Like a fist punched straight into my face. A highfive. In the face. With a skillet. Twice. The great election for EU was held this Sunday. I voted, and I voted goooood. But I did not expect the sombre and sad result that faced me when waking up. How horrible is this future? Political parties that openly suggest Ebola is a workable solution to immigration? That thinks women shouldn’t be allowed to vote? That Homosexuality is something to erase with bans and punishment? That registration of Jews should be done for everyone’s safety? When did this become something to strive for? Where have the progress gone? Where is Rosa Parks and M.L King? Where is Gandhi? Where is anyone? Someone who leads by example, who refuses take the kicks laying down. Where is my white knight to save me from this nightmare? Where is someone who dares to dream of a better tomorrow? Where does the rainbow end?

I love to read my dystopian novels. My sci-fi telling me about a future long since past. About how humanity destroys itself and a few revolutionaries dares to question the corrupt system. About dictatorships and single leaders taking charge when there is no one left to rule. About strife and horror, about finding the single thing that makes you take that one extra step. About people pushing themselves to the limit and beyond for belief of a better tomorrow. The books with the brave and misunderstood, the ones who stick it to the man and get away with it, and in the end turns out to be knights of the heart. People who give their lives for the greatest reason of all. Hope.

Hope for a better tomorrow. Hope for a future worth living. Hope for a place where I can proudly raise my son or daughter to be happy for who they are. Regardless of taste in partners, religious believes, clothing, colour of the eyes, the way their noses look. I want a better future than the one shown today. I want to go to work not knowing that at least 3 people on my bus voted for a Party that tells everyone that different is bad. That what is not the same as you are to be blamed for everything wrong with your life.

I’m taking a stand here. In my pink couch. Sitting in my pyjamas. Bawling my eyes out. I hate you humanity. You suck. You need to get whacked in the face with a history book. Don’t let the history repeat itself. Don’t go gently into that night. Don’t become the hollow men. Don’t let the world end in a whimper. Go out with a bang. A simple act of Random Kindness is good, but not good enough. Take a stand. Say no like Rosa, dream like a King, educate like Gandhi and leave something better behind. Don’t join the dark side, the cookies aren’t real. I’m saying this isn’t the way to go. This is the three steps back. This is the line in the sand. No further. Don’t make it worse. Don’t. Do.