One piece of chaos at the time

Well.. yeah. There is a lot going on right now. Have a huge project at work that takes a lot of hours. It is awesome, and I love it, but at the same time.. I’ve already worked 4 hours more than I should this week, and I’ve still got 2 more days. So I’ll be landing on a 50 hour week. Do you understand why I’m not writing here as much as I would like? When I get home, there is a episode of Masterchef Australia, Love that show, or a couple of chapters from Harry Potter or Dresden Files. When I have a couple of hours free, and the sun is out, I try to do all the other stuff I need to do. Cleaning, laundry, cooking. Having at least some sort of social life. And my garden? Whushh.. That is one big project that needs attention big time.

I need new plants, that thrive in shadow, I need to cut the grass, get rid of all the million little stones from the plums that dropped last year. I need to dig up and get rid of three saplings. I need to.. I need to… Many many projects are screaming for my attention. Many of them deserves to have a lot of time devoted to them. Loads of them I can’t wait to get my hands around. I would love pottering around in my garden for a weekend, I would love to get a chance for another batch of soup, or slow-cooking pot of goulash.. I actually sat until 23 last night getting a frame ready to hang on the wall, and I need to find the time to put that one up, and get my violin strung and hung up as well.. I need to assemble my living room table. I need to unpack those two big boxes filled with my pocket books. I need to find the time to read my two different book-clubs book of the month. I’m already behind on the last one read. And soon I’m going on vacation and who knows how that is going to go. I’m not going to be at home for that part!

But I’m loving every second of it! Who wouldn’t?