Pots. Pans. Plants. Payday. Painter. Pasta.

Phew… Today the day started with a amazing shower. And then a breakfast, some shopping with friends where I finally found a wok, and some pretty pots for my flowers, but no lamp for my hall. There was some options, but many looked like the previous owner died in the stone age. So I took a wide turn around those, and went happily home with my pots and my wok, and had a second breakfast. Because having second breakfast when one have a late start at work is more awesome than going to work and just having normal lunch.

I worked, I printed out a Copy from my favourite painter and artist Lisa Rinnevuo, her art speaks to me. And one day I hope to actually own a original. But they are quite expensive. And I haven’t found a place where one could buy like a poster or sanctioned copy of the things she does. So I did print out a copy, and I promise never to tell anyone otherwise. Her art is on my list to buy when I marry a billionaire.



I got home, and my friend, the ever present Panda, had spent all day watching Buffy and not doing the dishes. I like Buffy, so I understand why the dishes weren’t done, but at least she made dinner! Pasta Carbonara. Yum! And on my way home I bought a new plant for my new pots, and a ton of new bentou-boxes, so that when my personal slave Panda does the cooking that she have promised, I’ll have somewhere to put it. And a few new candles. Mostly green stuff today. Lime green, darker green, other shades of green. I think I’m having a period of green right now.