The big post. As promised. A try. Complaints not noted.

Yes. I did promise a longer post last night. And here is my try to write it.

I had so much fun last night. And day. Finally getting around to see some part of the town, that I’ve never been to before, and yeah, not really getting the point, I’m sorry to say. It’s a small city, and you can walk everywhere within minutes, and there are the cute little design-shop, the bookstore, the boutique that sells clothing, and another one for shoes. That’s about it. A pizzeria in every corner. A cinema, with three choices. Only 2 screening the same day. So yeah. You COULD get all you need in life here.

Maybe I’m not meant for this small town mentality, even though I wish I was. Internet makes the big city closer and thankfully I can order online what I can’t find here, but I’m used to know where everything is, and how to get what I need by just a trip into town. On a Sunday if I wanted to. But here, in the small and beautiful city, Sundays are holy and everything is therefore closed. I need to get my shit together on Saturdays, or wait until the next weekend. That’s quite hard. But yeah, I got my bearings a little yesterday, and by having a native showing me around I got a bit more out of it. I think I could come to love this city. But yeah. without internet I would die within a week. Imagine life without my supply of books, and weird stuff that I can only find in small shops in bigger cites.. Horrible.

After this turn around the city and shaking it’s legs, maybe putting the hoot in the hootenanny, we went back home with the biggest pile of buttons ever bought, and a very nice stool that will look beautiful when I get some green stuff on it. Like plants and other cute green stuff. Will tell you more about it, maybe even give a photo of it, when the idea that is growing will have taken shape and given birth to something beautiful. Right now it’s just a child of my imagination. Not ready to stand on it’s own two feet. Or in this case, since it’s a stool with 4 legs. Four feet.

Also got the paint for my wall mural. It’s going great and I hope that I’ll be done sketching today and can start on the actual painting tonight or tomorrow when I get of early. It’s still to soon to tell, because there are loads of other things I’m supposed to do as well today. So don’t know about time management yet. But it’s up there with the top 5 things to do today. After eating buns and having a great last day with my Panda who will be returning to the big city soon enough.

After returning from ZE CITHEY, we made some nice hot pockets, and before having the opportunity to try them, we were off to my nice co-worker and partner in crimes. She also had a friend over, and as the quartet Mozart wrote music for…

.. it was beautiful. We ate some pasta and then broke out the epic game of Munchkin. The main reason for hanging out. And did we have fun! Me and panda, being the veterans of this game, tried to show the other two girls how to play, and even if it was a slow start, we could begin to play in earnest after maybe a hour of coaching. It’s not a complicated game, as soon as you learn the very obscure rules that me and Panda have learned ourself the hard way, by starting the game with only noobs. But now we are fairly versed in this game of magic and mystic and fun!

And how we played! for about 5 hours we sat and screamed, yelled, laughed and created alliances, that we later broke by cursing each other. Like it’s supposed to be played. Just doing it two people is quite boring, more then 5 and one round takes forever. 4 is quite optimal. But one can never be to many. And we only played the easy game, the beginner game, so most of the obscure rules we omitted, and we never even dared to ask about going Epic with this one (where one plays to lvl 20 instead of ten). But next time, or the one after that. When my partner in crime have had a few more tries, and her friend might have played it again, and Panda is back in town. Then we need to do it all over again! Even the part where the cat keeps distracting us with it’s cuteness, and the candy causing to much stomach ache.

Going home, brushing teeth and then falling asleep. Epic Day.