The art of defiling a wall. Age of the Geeks. Pizza.

Guess what I did this morning? I woke the bloody hell up, I did! Ten points to Ravenclaw for that one! I went to work (!) and had another great day. I think I’m on a roll here! Is my enthusiasm bothering you? I finally got some headway on my basement assignment, and my boss told me sternly that he wanted to talk with me.. But not until later on when he actually had time. Like May. I’m okay with that. Also got heads up that on Monday will be slightly awkward. Maybe. Going to meet the one that I’m subbing for on Mondays and Thursdays, and we will have loads of time doing nothing. But maybe it will be fun. I’m somewhat sceptical about the whole thing.

But yeah, getting of early on a Friday is not to shabby, because I went in earlier this Tuesday. Just because I wanted to get of earlier today and spend some time with my friend when she actually is visiting me. We had a great dinner with Banana and Curry pizza, and soda! And then the fun began. I know I’ve talked earlier about me doing some redecorating on my wall in my kitchen by writing quotes in Gallifreyan. I know I have. And today I finally made the decision on what quotes to use.

Rule number one; Don’t fuck with librarians. -Neil Gaiman

Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s to dark to read. -Groucho Marx

And I’ve actually translated both, and made a start of transcribing them to the wall. I’ve come as far as the outline of the words, now to fill them with letters. But a few minutes ago my feet started hurting because I’ve been standing around all day, so decided to call it a day and stop for a little while and start again tomorrow. It’s not like my wall is going anywhere.

Panda and I, came up with the great idea of going to the movies, but there was nothing that spoke to us, and when we decided that we wanted to watch Miyazakis new movie, and that one wasn’t showing on any cinema in close proximity.. So we decided of staying in. What movie to watch tonight is still a question up for debate, but I’m having a sense I will win the argument. As soon as I can get my head around and decide on something. I’m actually quite clueless about the whole thing. And can’t quite decide on anything that I WANT to watch. Except the new Miyazaki. Which isn’t possible. Soo…Smell ya later?


A great day. Origami. Gossip. Candy.

I woke up. That was a first. I think it was because I took the night of yesterday, so I woke up before the clock, and then took some minutes just to lay about and do nothing and just enjoy my bed. Which isn’t the bed I want to spend the rest of my life in, but at least it does have fluffy pillows and my cover that I love.

Work have been a big part of my day, as every Thursday I work from 7:50am to 7:10pm. Two different places as well. Firstly at a school, where the cutest kids go, and then at the Big Library. Where some of my kids from school actually comes after school is over. Kinda fun. But I’ve been in this strangely good mood today. Singing, Dancing, if not skipping. I’m not one to be skipping. But walking with a smile on my face, that I did. And nodding to all and everyone! Gosh and gee, I was happy as a bee!

I can’t really say what have been different from other days, but I’ve been quite the lark today, just having the best of times, and I hope I’ve been giving away that energy as well, because I have no sad or angry memories from today. Well. until the last few minutes, when I had to restart my computer because of it’s crazy slowness. And then getting real hormonal about old junk technology and hoping to have enough money to buy myself something nice, working and less … irritating. Soon. I love my little laptop, I truly do, but man, this machine knows how to make me want to paint it like a rainbow, throw it at a wall and call it art.

Getting home to freshly baked scones wasn’t that bad either, or going a few extra steps at lunch and buying myself a piece of Candy, just because I wanted some. Another reason for why being an adult is pretty awesome. Candy in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week, and nobody to tell you no. So there you go. I’m going to end this day with a episode of Top Gear, because dammit to hell. I’m worth it!


The four horsemen of the apocalyps, or Abandon all hope ye who enters here.

Today was a weird day. Good, but weird. Ate breakfast alone, because my Panda was still snoring and snoozing and having the option of letting her sleep vs annoying her, I took the harder path of letting her sleep. Or rather, I went about my morning like I usually do, and if she woke up, she never joined me. Left her a nice note, though “In this house there are only one standard of clean dishes. And that is clean. Do it again, and do it right”.

At work I buried myself in the basement, and sneezed a few times, but my work in the tombs are progressing, and that is filled with satisfaction. Was given a piece of cake to celebrate a long-time worker. But I got a rather nasty headache there for a while. I don’t know why, but having quite a lot these past few days. I think it’s a migraine in the making. They usually comes with mean dirty small headaches a few days before.

Then my time at work was up, and home I went, gathering my horsemen around me as I went. I bought myself some pretty plants to fill up my newly bought pots, and then came home to a wonderful pie my house elf had made me. Very nice ^^ And then we had quite a good time, me and my friends, eating that pie. But then my energy was gone. Like totally gone. Falling asleep with my face in the pie sort of tired. I finally had enough of trying to stay awake, and were the most rude host ever, and asked my minions to go away, come back another day. They seemed to take it okay though.

Now they are gone, and I’ve had a shower, a cup of tea, and I’m still so bloody tired. So I’m signing off, signing out, returning to sender. I need to be awake a few more minutes to pack my lunches, but other than that. I’m allowed to go to sleep soon. Because that is what grown-ups are allowed to do!


Pots. Pans. Plants. Payday. Painter. Pasta.

Phew… Today the day started with a amazing shower. And then a breakfast, some shopping with friends where I finally found a wok, and some pretty pots for my flowers, but no lamp for my hall. There was some options, but many looked like the previous owner died in the stone age. So I took a wide turn around those, and went happily home with my pots and my wok, and had a second breakfast. Because having second breakfast when one have a late start at work is more awesome than going to work and just having normal lunch.

I worked, I printed out a Copy from my favourite painter and artist Lisa Rinnevuo, her art speaks to me. And one day I hope to actually own a original. But they are quite expensive. And I haven’t found a place where one could buy like a poster or sanctioned copy of the things she does. So I did print out a copy, and I promise never to tell anyone otherwise. Her art is on my list to buy when I marry a billionaire.



I got home, and my friend, the ever present Panda, had spent all day watching Buffy and not doing the dishes. I like Buffy, so I understand why the dishes weren’t done, but at least she made dinner! Pasta Carbonara. Yum! And on my way home I bought a new plant for my new pots, and a ton of new bentou-boxes, so that when my personal slave Panda does the cooking that she have promised, I’ll have somewhere to put it. And a few new candles. Mostly green stuff today. Lime green, darker green, other shades of green. I think I’m having a period of green right now.


Housewarming party. Old and new friends. Tacos.

Today have been a great day! I started the day with quite the headache. Popped a few pills, put on some clothes, and of to work I went anyhow. It started to get better from there. I finally got some reaction from the angsty teenager from next door. A nod. That put a real smile on my face. Then my co-worker got on the bus, when I thought she was having a later start than me. And at work I found a great book, mended it, and then started reading it. But that was not major points of the day. What I looked forward to from the moment I got out of bed was that my friend Panda was coming down from the big city!

And she did! Arriving in style, in the middle of the chaos that a visit from a class comes with. As the dust settled, she ventured into the dark halls of my small but lovable school library. Not unlike when Buffy first entered into the Sunnydale high school library and met Giles, super-librarian and defender of the people! We had a hug.

Just watching the minutes tick by until I could leave my post behind and go to the battlefield of the supermarket. Picking up the trusted sidekick Night in the role of Willow we entered into the funhouse called supermarket. Defending our wagon against marauders and gathering MEAT, and other stuff as well. Like pasta. And Tomatoes. Loads of tomatoes in every shape, colour and toxicity. Having my two trusty steads with me, made the shopping quick, easy and damn expensive.

Finally arriving at my palace, and a short, quick breather of wonderment “Oh, such a lovely apartment you got there, you jolly good chap, you”. We then proceeded with the task of real life Tetris. How to fit 5 bags into a small fridge, freezer and a cupboard. Quite easy this time because I had nothing but cereal at home. This task quickly out of the way, the REAL quest could begin. How to make Taco for four hungry weird girls. Because we had not yet achived our Xander. She arrived later.

An what a Epic Meal! Women! Food! Beverage! All the things the Vikings needed to make them men with hair on the chest. Not that we are men, or Vikings, but the analogy still stands. We did talk about the wedding vegetables, willies, manly parts, godly bits, family jewels, and the protections of fingers. And then we had cake.

To be repeated on Wednesday, but with pie.


Blue pancakes.

Okay, so the goal of being done with the unpacking wasn’t achieved. Not fully. I got some more boxes done, so that is cool, but now I have 2 more boxes left to unpack, and I don’t know if I WANT to unpack them. They are filled with some weird shit that I have to have time to go through. And I didn’t have that time today. Not whilst having a shower, running around assembling and then using my vacuum cleaner who got the roar of a dying pig. Not while going to a friend, the same one with the magic fingers who are going to mend my pot. My teapot.

She actually invited me before the whole pot-deal was going down. Because last week I invited her over and treated her to some fancy Valentines day cooking. Two singles, some fun must be had. Her plan for tonight was pancakes and then apple pie for dessert. All which was awesome, and I even got myself a bentou (Japanese for boxed lunch) for tomorrow. But the amazing thing was that she added blue food-dye. She said it was because she wasn’t great at cooking and wanted it to at least look cool, and it did. And tasted divine, so I don’t know where the not being able to cook comes from.

Now I’m thinking of maybe grabbing a cup of tea and a sandwich, because I have my laundry going and that’s not going to be done for another hour, and then maybe I’ll be able to get some sleep. But yeah. A sandwich and another episode of Top Gear. Because tomorrow is a great and big day, and going to sleep in new sheets deserves to be done without a empty stomach.


Broken. With plans of glue.

Yesterday, unpacking one of my favourite old things I have from my biological mum, I picked up the ancient Japanese teapot, and the handle came of in my hand! The heart skipped a beat while I tried to understand what had happened. Then, shaking, I tried to pick the pot that had fallen down into the sink and was praying to the powers that be, please don’t let the pot be broken to.. And thankfully it wasn’t. ‘Twas only the handle that had fallen off. But I urgently called up my friend who deals with old stuff all day, and said HELP! And today maybe it will be mended. My heart hopes for this. Because even if I don’t use it to make tea in, it is one of the most beautiful teapots I’ve seen and has huge sentimental value. I don’t want it to be broken 😦

After this horrible incident, I had to take a moment to call my heartbeat down. I couldn’t continue unpacking, and as such I still have some boxes left, but less than what I started with. It’s moving forward! I might try to finish one more today. Because then there are not much left. There are three boxes of stuff that I haven’t decided if it’s worth unpacking because it’s not something I really need. Copper pans and pots, tin-drinking cups, some bowls, more than what I’ve already unpacked.. Maybe some other weird shit or another. I haven’t honestly unpacked them since 2011. Maybe I should look through it before deciding to bring it down into the basement..

Ah.. my teapot. Even now, almost a whole 24-hour period later.. I still have trouble thinking about it being broken. It hurts. It’s like something inside have broken with it. EVERYTHING else handled the move (or the second move without being unpacked) fine as far as I can tell. No mugs have lost an ear, no plates have gone into a thousand pieces. Not even a fractured drinking glass. But my beloved tea-pot! WHY is that?! did it single out the most precious thing and went for it with a hammer of mischief?! I am very angry and sad and broken about it.


Another Birthdaycard. Yes. Another.

Did you honestly think that my friend the Kung-fu Panda was the ONLY person born today? You thought wrong my dear fellows! I also have a cousin! Well, I’ve got a few cousins, but he is the only one who also have a birthday today.

I can’t give you a tale and praise such as the last birthday-card. Because I honestly don’t hang out with my cousin that much. We live in totally different world. I guess the one love we do share is travelling places, but his travels and my travels are nowhere near each other in the scale of things. He goes travelling to Alps, and beaches and does amazing stuff with friends and cameras. I go travelling to historic and cultural places and mostly don’t bother to bring my OWN camera, even if I like to pretend to be good at taking pictures with OTHERS cameras. To cheap to buy one for myself, and don’t really want to ask for one as a present when I could get more awesome stuff. Like books.

But my cousin then.. He is kinda known in some circles, because he is damn GOOD with a camera. I’m not saying that because he is family, but rather, because his photos are DAMN crazy good. Even I, who don’t like skiing, boarding, or any other sporty stuff consider them pretty much a work of art. And when he does nature pictures, I’m pretty much convinced he will be famous around the world some day. If you don’t believe me, check his amazing things at his Facebook page. Adam Klingeteg Photography.

Happy B-day crazy cousin!


A birthday card that I’m to late to send by snailpost.

One of my best friends. The glorious and wonderful Panda have her Birthday today! And that must be celebrated! So therefore I’m going to tell the world about her, in a sort of amusing and loving way.

She is one of the shortest people I know, but that don’t bother me much unless going by the escalator and she stands on the wrong step and I end up having to bend over to even see the top of her head, but then we switch. She shares my love of books, and when she comes to visit me, I almost always push some new books I know she haven’t read onto her. And talking about books can keep us going for hours. Or anime, or manga, or food, or cooking, or any other of our shared loves. She is one of those people who stands for being who she are, holding her head high and doing what she wants when she wants it. Not conforming to a society with to many rules about how to act in certain situations and what to do with your free-time.

I’ve known her for many many years now. I think almost 10. And we have done some crazy stuff together, and this summer we might embark on our biggest adventure yet. The idea is to go by car to Norway and just drive around, watch the nature, camp, improvise cooking, read in relaxing settings. Stargaze and maybe go by canoe into a fjord or something or another. Trying to get away from the hectic life in civilisation and go to a forest where nobody is. We have travelled together before, but nothing this big. And that’s going to be awesome.

And she is coming here! On Monday! I’m quite happy about it ^^, and have the evil plan of making her my slave for the week. I’ll be working as normal, but she will be guarding my apartment at day, against burgles, superman, and spiders. My evil lair shall encompass this minion of mine, and she shall have the food ready for me when I come home, and extra points if she manages to do this with a fresh loaf of bread. I think she said something or another about using my awayness to study, but I know her. I know my collection of movies. It’s going to be interesting to see how she fares in the face of the temptation my castle of Evil shall give her.

And this one, is especially for her. Because I think of her every time I hear it.


The weekend horror begins.

Yes. Last night I told you I would TRY to get through that mountain of madness in my kitchen. Now I’ve been up for almost a hour and I’ve not even left the bed. Not even to get myself some breakfast, even if I’m starting to regret that particular decision. The mere thought of having to deal with my kitchen and it’s evil crazy boxes of more and more kitchen utensils makes me think that staying in bed is the more sane choice. And it’s not like I can go and get a book and start to read, because that would be to acknowledge defeat before even trying, but I CAN check out my blog (2 new likes whilst sleeping, yay), Facebook (nothing fun there, better re-check thrice), 9gag (the site is clearly not funny any more, but at the same time I’ve not found a suitable replacement), email (nope, nada, nicht, nuthing, sip, silch) and then go back to here and write some more. Because the kitchen is calling, I’m trying to ignore it. My stomach is telling me I’m a evil bitch and demands breakfast tea and sandwich… And writing here will make me not deal with the mess for 5 more minutes.

And then of course, one cannot work in the kitchen whilst eating breakfast, so then I get another break from trying to find excuses. And then I’m afraid I’m out of them. Well, I could answer that letter I got yesterday, and there is another half-hour gone.. But then the crazy little voice of reason starts yelling at me, that if I do some of the mess now, doing the dirty dishes at least, they have time to dry whilst eating breakfast, and then, before starting on the letter, I can do at least on package of utensils and they have time to dry whilst replying to my pen-pal.. And then, suddenly. Lunch. oh. Dammit. I need to go and get groceries..