Friday. At long last.

It have arrived. A Friday night. This week has been leading up to this moment for me. I finally get to take time of from a life of work and duties. I have 36 hours of totally slacking off, of reading, painting, eating, cooking, watching,  and just sleeping this virus away. If it is a virus, maybe my brain is just tired from all the new input from the last few weeks?

But I like it here. I like the people at work, and my flat is shaping up pretty good. Even if it still smells funky. Will I ever get rid of the smell?! Problems keeps popping up, and then getting resolved. Books that I want to read keeps gathering themselves into a big pile that keeps staring at me during the week. I’ve actually made a dent this week by reading at least two of them . Halfway through a third book, and have great hopes for at least one more tomorrow. And of course, I’m not going to sleep just yet. One more hour of reading I thinks is prudent when I don’t have to put a alarm-clock on for tomorrow.

I’ve realised that Saturdays are my day of laziness. I take that day off. Eating whatever, whenever, lollygagging around and just exist. Maybe I’ll write some letters tomorrow, but the best part about weekends is that they consist of two days. One day for doing all your personal crap you never had time to do under the week, and one day of totally being a lazy bum without guilt.