Kinda slow, kinda hectic, kinda awesome, kinda fun.

Same problem today at work. For the first few hours. Then suddenly, reborn as Jesus, or a zombie, depending on how you want to view the world, the computers started working again! Oh, the joy! And, oh, crap what a workload. Much have the possibility to gather in piles when one can do nothing about them. So on my shift, the lunch-shift, we had about about LOADS of random books to return, sort through and start re- shelve  in correct space. For those two hours, there was not a quite moment. There were things to do all the time, and happily, not a lot of people asking questions. So in reality a very slow shift, but with what we had backlogged, a kinda hectic shift.

Thankfully, a short afternoon tea right after, and friendly batter among co-workers. Much laughter and relief that the computers were up and running. I could then go on to finish my work from the basement, and my kinda boss in that project told me we were going to have a nice lunch someday soon as a celebration. That sounded sweet ^^ But we are going to wait a few days and hopefully we are going to do it when the weather allows us having it outside. in the sun. Maybe a picnic thing?

But as decided between me and another co-worker, the one I always write about,went home together. First to her place, getting a small step-ladder for me to use for the more hard to reach places on my wall mural, and to play a few minutes with her kitten. We were stuck for about 45 minutes. The kitty is darn cute. Then trying out a new pizzeria, because the other one, the one on the other side of the parking lot, doesn’t have a fat hairy man doing the pizza. Just walking inside of the new pizzeria made you feel happy. The kind of run down place, where you know the health-standard is below average, and the guy that made the pizzas had a tummy that was in the size of a jolly good chef, and hairy arms. Going home to show my co-worker my unfinished wall mural and show off, and then had a bite of the pizza. And yes, my gawd it was good. We were both oooh-ing, and aaaaah-ing. Praising it and stuffing our faces. My new place then.

Was a pretty nice day, and a pretty nice evening. Loads of laughter and profound discussions about religion, about acceptance, about life and faith. And then I was going to pick up a package so followed her home, but at the store the lady told me about checking the date on the slip. The package doesn’t arrive untill tomorrow, and I’m so excited! Is it my new cool Russian shawl, or the new t-shirts? Or the book by Bradbury, that didn’t arrive with the last lot of ordered books?

My hatred of Spotify keeps itself up, but it was the only way to listen to a new song by a band that I’ve been listening for a few years. Good song, and now I’m listening to another of my favourite artists from the latest year. Good ending of a really good day.


A day that turned out in ever other way then expected.

Except for me being stupidly tired right now. I think bed is a big priority right now and will happen soon after finishing this, my book and my episode of Top Gear. But otherwise, yeah. Woke up this morning before my alarm, and then proceeded to work an hour in my kitchen on the wall mural, found out my tree might be a plum tree, and then I went to work. And the Chaos ensued. My gawd what a day.

Not a bad day, just, unusual.

Normally we do all the work in a programme called book-it, that have the catalogue of books, reservations, loans, what have you. But today it went down and nothing could be done, because it wasn’t at our end that the fault lay. So making photocopies of every book that went out, gathering the ones coming in on carts, shelves and hopefully work at them tomorrow. If the problem is resolved by that.

And the great thing is, nobody actually got angry with either us or the system, even if a few looked darn confused at our apologetic notes about the failure, and asked us a million times what they were supposed to do even if the notes said bright and clearly “system malfunction, please leave your books and other media here on this cart”. It’s been a quite nice day though. People laughing, and making jokes about the whole thing. Taking it quite nice and not complaining that it took somewhat longer to borrow their books and then having the door scream at them on the way out, because the system couldn’t turn of the tags on the books.

A few have asked about going back to the card catalogue, “with that you never had this problem” they could say. To which one could reply, “well, maybe not this one, but it was not easier, faster or better in any other way”. A few have chuckled and complained about “technology, how the world stops without it” . It is kinda scary if one thinks of how much we do rely on computers and technology to do stuff for us, or help us do chores, tasks, work. How completely handicapped one becomes when one tiny component goes out of sync.

Ending the evening with Tchaikovsky in the speakers. I should explain this.

Instead of being the ones that goes around and poke people a few minutes before closing time, we put on some music, the librarian in charge of closing may chose freely after his or her taste. This is so that we mark that we are close to closing, but we won’t go around and tell you to leave just yet. And having music when one does the last chores of the day, putting away the monies, closing the gallery, turning everything off, makes life more fun. And I usually get to choose when I work closing. Maybe because I have a notorious glee about music? I get giddy about it, and music makes me happy.

And as a bonus, we also got this track and that made us waltz around and wave our arms around in the air. Man, Russian composers is the shit.


The laundrettet is now open.

I had the choice yesterday of either staying up until 22:30 and doing laundry, or doing it today. Of course I decided to do tomorrow because I was lazy. Now I do have more energy, and even if I would rather have had it done yesterday, I’ve got nothing better to do at the moment. So yeah.. The laundry cycle of this week have started. One machine at the time. And the last one have to dry inside my flat, because the timing of the machine sucks. It’s old and takes forever.

But talking about laundry makes me think of this movie I saw maybe a year ago. A Fantastic Fear of Everything.

It’s a great movie. And I love simon Pegg! humour


Quite the ride.

I’ve tried to be good today. I’ve vacuumed, I’ve done some dishes. I’ve gone to a friend to have a cup of tea and mend a broken pot. I’ve done some shopping, but then… Energy depletion. I was supposed to do some more dishes, and I was supposed to do the laundry. And I was supposed to do dinner. None of it sounds appealing to me right now. So I’ve booked the laundry for tomorrow. I consider having just a sandwich for dinner, and hopefully, as the night is just started, I’ll come around to do some more dishes at least.

But yeah, what is the weekend good for, if one cannot take a few hours off? It’s supposed to be a time where one relaxes from work and does whatever one wants. Unless you are a parent. Then you do whatever the kids want. And this is my weekend off. It’s my time to get rid of my bug, which I’m not sure exist. My goal was to read a book, vacuum, do laundry, dishes, work on my wall mural. I’ve done it all. Except the laundry, But that is okay. Mondays are the day when I work such a short amount of hours it shouldn’t be called a workday. As compensation I work horrible hours on Thursdays instead. So I’ll be home shortly after 3pm and doing laundry then won’t be such a challenge. I’ve got clean clothes for one more day 😉 Then I’m going to have to wear pyjama to work if I want to be clothed. Maybe it’s time to break out the skirts and the dresses? But oh.. Shaving legs.. No.. I don’t want to do that just yet. Let’s wait with that another week at least.

And I can cook dinner tomorrow when I’m doing the laundry. I’m thinking Indian Tomato soup. I’ve got a hankering.


Be prepared. Zombies are coming.

I don’t know this to be a fact, but if they actually do come around, I’m more prepared now than I was yesterday. Last night, going to bed was quite the challenge. My head was still in scrambles after that book. So I was wandering around on FB, as I normally do when I’ve got nothing better to do but need something to do. Because there is a group who’s awesomeness is to great to describe. And lo and behold, new thread to read. About someone not being able to go to sleep because of creepy people knocking on her door. And one thing leading to another, the subject of zombies got up.

Being a Zombie-buff, I just HAD to read it. And then came to think of what has been nagging me for the last few weeks. If a Zombie apocalypse does happen, my flat is the worst place to live. I love the 2 very good entryways and exist in case of emergency -ways they provide, but the huge minus is that it is on the ground floor. With quite big windows. That goes pretty low. Break any one of them and zombies will munch my brain for breakfast in a few seconds. And being only a small place of 42 square meters, I don’t actually have a door that separates areas in case zombies comes into one window, so that I can slow them down by changing room.  This have been bugging me. I don’t want to be munched and become a zombie.

So yeah.. I remember last weekend me and my friends went to this second hand shop, and there I found a nice fencing sword for children, made out of steel. I didn’t buy it then, because I thought that if I someday buy myself a sword I want two of them, to make that cross on the wall, and have the opportunity to duel my friends. But after this thread, I just HAD to go buy it. I went directly after breakfast, and arrived three minutes before they even opened for the day, first to the counter, but no. Sadly it had been sold. And that broke my heart, so I looked around, to bury my sadness, of a potential Zombie weapon lost, with some shopping. Actually I found something better. A grill fork and stick of enormous proportions, that I can, if I wanted to do it, hang as a cross on my wall. Sharp, deadly, and the same size as the fencing sword. Yes. Quite happy now. And prepared. BRING IT ON!


Emotional trauma at the hands of a book.

Last night after doing my post here, I started to read in my book again with the thought of only doing one more hour and then turning of the lamp and going sleeping. But dammit, the book started to get impossible to put down. And the last half hour I kept weeping, and blubbering and wondered why it should end that way. And then I needed some time just to take it all in (and stop crying). I think that any book/movie/play that keeps you crying more then 5 minutes after it is over, is worth being classified as a good book/movie/play.

Even if I didn’t like the book as a whole. That-s a conclusion that I’ve reached after having a few hours of sleep, and not being emotional when it had just ended. I didn’t like how the book was every other chapter from different characters, when the first two books was written from one persons point of view. I didn’t like how the writer made the world a more complex place, and then gave absolutely no answers about it. I don’t like the action some of the people did, and think that they were wrong for their characters. But the end still made up for all of that. It was a horrible ending, in terms of keeping my eyes dry. And endings that get me that emotional makes me think the book was really good. Because. DAMN that lady can write some tragic tales!

And yeah. I think I’ll take the time to watch the movie some day!


Friday. At long last.

It have arrived. A Friday night. This week has been leading up to this moment for me. I finally get to take time of from a life of work and duties. I have 36 hours of totally slacking off, of reading, painting, eating, cooking, watching,  and just sleeping this virus away. If it is a virus, maybe my brain is just tired from all the new input from the last few weeks?

But I like it here. I like the people at work, and my flat is shaping up pretty good. Even if it still smells funky. Will I ever get rid of the smell?! Problems keeps popping up, and then getting resolved. Books that I want to read keeps gathering themselves into a big pile that keeps staring at me during the week. I’ve actually made a dent this week by reading at least two of them . Halfway through a third book, and have great hopes for at least one more tomorrow. And of course, I’m not going to sleep just yet. One more hour of reading I thinks is prudent when I don’t have to put a alarm-clock on for tomorrow.

I’ve realised that Saturdays are my day of laziness. I take that day off. Eating whatever, whenever, lollygagging around and just exist. Maybe I’ll write some letters tomorrow, but the best part about weekends is that they consist of two days. One day for doing all your personal crap you never had time to do under the week, and one day of totally being a lazy bum without guilt.


Another Day, another night.

Yeah. I’ve got another day done. Yay me. I ate some nice food, I had some nice talks to people. And now I’ve just fallen in love with Vietnam. Someday I want to go there and have a amazing journey. Backpack sort of journey. But that I think is for another day. Right now I’m to tired, got a headache, and still need to get up early tomorrow morning to do all that I should do.

It’s the best I could find without having a big look around. See why I love Top Gear?


Nope, nothing new.

I feel like I’m a big lump of nothing right now. There is nothing left in me to enthusiastic about tonight. My eyes are slowly closing themselves, even though I still got a few things to take care of. I still have my teriyaki cooling for tomorrows lunch. I still need to brush my teeth, I still need to finish my episode of Top Gear. I would love to paint some more. But no. Sadly energy has left the building.

I think it’s because of these cold-like symptoms I’ve been having the last few days. Chills, sneezing and headache. Getting warm in the face all the time as well, like that feeling when you have fever. But no, I don’t want to be sick right now. I don’t like it. Maybe on Saturday when I actually have the time to laze about in my bed and don’t have any pressing times or work to worry about. And tomorrow is my long day. I am going to try to take it easy all day and not overdo myself and get more sick than I think I am at the moment. But I know myself. Being around people makes me happy, and having fun makes me loose control. Just watch, I was supposed to just say I wouldn’t write anything tonight. And suddenly I’ve written. Loads.


Dammit. Good night.